Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day in the life of a 5, 3 1/2, 2, and 8 month old

I am starting to put my thoughts together for this blog and I really don't have a "typical" day.  Bible study, gymnastics, MOPS, play dates, doctors appointments, sick kids, who knows what we will get.  However, I do have what needs to be done on a daily basis and around what time that is, so here goes.  Keep in mind this is how things flow if we are home all day.  If we have to be somewhere in the morning, we crunch our morning activities together.

6:00-6:30 Ella wakes up and I feed her and we head downstairs (If she is up earlier than this, my loving husband takes her and I catch a few more minutes of shut eye.)

Max also wakes around this time and he has his morning time with daddy.

7:00-Addison and Laney come downstairs.  They are up before 7, but I ask them to stay in their room until 7.  I try and lay out their clothes the night before so if they are up and looking for something to do, they can get dressed and make their beds while they wait.

No time is wasted once everyone is awake.  Once the girls walk downstairs, everyone is up at the counter for breakfast.  This is when we do their memory Bible verse for the week, a Bible story, nursery rhyme and maybe another story.  We also talk about what we are going to do that day and what order things need to be done. 

7:30-The 3 big kids go in the basement for free play while I get the kitchen cleaned and eat breakfast while my diner of an 8 month old is finishing up hers

8:00-I put Ella down for her morning nap.

8:00-8:15 BREATHE

8:15 -9:00 I call each kid up individually for reading time.  Addison and Laney do their daily readings to me and I read a couple of books to Max.  While I have them one at a time, we will finish getting dressed, do hair, etc.

9:00-9:30 Craft time.  We will try and do a craft, play dough, painting, or just coloring and cutting.  Something creative and usually a little messy while Ella is still asleep.

9:30 Ella wakes up and I start a morning video (They get 2 a day.  One in the morning, but their readings must be done first and one in the afternoon after their math lessons are done) for the older kids while I feed Ella and spend a few minutes alone with her.  Time permitting, I will get ready for the day, whatever that means.

10:00 Snack time

I usually read another story here, do flash cards, or some sort of verbal learning game. 

10:30-11:30 We all go in the basement and play as a family.  We will sing songs, read books, do tricks, hide and seek, whatever they are in the mood for really.

11:30 Lunch (I am very blessed to have a proud Papa, who loves to spend time with his grand kids.  He tries to give me a break in the day and will bring over lunch and help get the kids down for their naps.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!)

12:30 NAP TIME!!!!!

All 4 kids will go to their separate rooms and have rest/nap time.

1:30 Ella's awake.  Nurse her while everyone else is still quiet

2:00 Addison wakes up from her rest.  We sit and read or do puzzles for about 30 minutes while Ella crawls around us

2:30 Addison does her math lesson

3:00 Laney and Max wake up. Laney does her math lesson.

3:30 Afternoon video

4:00 We will sit down and do worksheets or work on handwriting while the younger ones do their thing

5:00 Hubby comes home and I feed Ella and finish up dinner

5:30 Dinner time

6:30 Ella goes to bed and the other 3 hop in the bath.

7:00 Play a game or cuddle up and read books before bed.

7:30 Take the kids upstairs for bed

8:00-9:00 My husband and I get cleaned up, reorganized for the next day.

9:00  Time for me to have a glass of wine and plop on the couch and relax with my husband =)

There you have it, my day in a nut shell.  And, yes, I do most things in 30 minute increments!

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