Monday, August 20, 2012

It takes a village...

So, we've all heard the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child."  Well, I am truly blessed to have a village and what a wonderful village it is!  It is my hopes and dreams to use that village to help with our homeschooling. 
  • It will give the kids a change of pace and keep things fresh.
  • I certainly don't know everything!
  • It will give family members and friends the opportunity to share their knowledge with our children.
  • It will teach the kids they can learn anywhere, any time and from any person.
Well, I thought I would put the village to work and it was a success!!  This week we read about Noah's ark and one of the fun projects to go along with is was to use a hammer and nails.  I asked Papa Gerry (a general contractor) if that would be a fun project for him to do with the kids and he was all for it!

During the day I decided it would be a good idea to practice before we got out real hammers.  I got some styrofoam and golf tees and let the kids hammer away with their toy hammer.

Addison was very precise and hammered those nails all the way down.

Laney would hammer for a bit and then move on to the next one before she was finished.

And Max would hammer as hard as he could.  Not much aim, but when he hit a golf tee, it went all the way through with one hit! Notice Laney backing away on the side of the picture.

Now, for the real deal.  Over to Papa Gerry's house we went and he had everything covered.  First he got out a work bench just the right height for the kids and showed them how to nail.

Then, he helped them each individually to make sure they got the hang of it.

After a bit of practice they were able to build a bird house together.

The best part about building the bird house is it gave us another project to do.  We got to paint it! 

To be continued...

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