Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pajama Day!

On the last day of week 7, we had pajama day!  I must admit, I am actually proud of myself for making it through 7 full weeks before spending the entire day in our pajamas.  This wasn't a planned "event" but what is around here?!?

It was around 9:00 Friday morning and we had a little catching up to do for the week, because we had 3 sick, including me.  I thought I would try and motivate the kids to get all their "school" done in the morning and have a fun and relaxing afternoon by letting them choose what they wanted to do.  Boy, was that a success.  They were so excited and thought it was the coolest thing ever to stay in their PJ's all day!  It definitely helped when someone new walked in the door and said, "You're still in your PJ's!"  They got a huge kick out of that and then they got to tell them what we were up to for the day.

Now when someone asks me if there are days homeschoolers don't get out of their PJ's, I can officially say YES!!

I would like to mention that my little Laney took "relaxing afternoon" to a whole new level.

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